

"Throughout my entire professional career I have not skimped on studying and incorporating all that methodology of both diagnosis and treatment that can provide a response and benefit to the health of my patients, from childhood to old age, including animals. company and always promoting maximum effectiveness with minimal invasive action"

Health problems treated

Systemic Candida
infectious processes
Blood disorders
Immune system
Allergies and Intolerances
Pain management
Headaches and migraines
Fibromyalgia and/or fatigue
Anxiety and depression
emotional disorders

Veterinary care

Who says that our companion animals are different when it comes to treating them? On a physiological level they may be different but the pathological expression and the study of the cause of their conditions is the same.

In fact, if there is something that I value about them, it is not being invasive in consultation, working through diagnostic tools and quantum treatment allows me not to take them to the stress levels to which they are usually exposed when they are explored.

therapeutic tools

Emotional and vocational profile

Diagnostic method

This method arises or to guide people who are at that point in life that need to know where they should go.


    Emotional profile: It is used to get to know yourself or someone close to you when you reach a point where, above all, the situation becomes unsustainable. The result is a report of imbalances with the possibility of providing therapeutic help. Soul Study: From the 4 elements in their 4 stages, the state of the person is known and what they need to feel better. Vocational profile: Differentiating between the field professional and higher education, the three vocations for which that person was born, and which can lead to professional happiness, are provided.


Quantum Diagnostic Method

Food Test

Elimination of allergies

Pluralistic homeopathy


Although it was made known by Samuel Hahnemann 200 years ago, there are vestiges of paradigms related to homeopathy two millennia ago.

Through energized (diluted) substances and based on the law of similarity, it seeks to restore the innate healing capacities in the different levels of health (constitutional, emotional, physical and pathological), acting from acute to degenerative processes, in a harmless and Safely applicable to pregnant women, lactating women, children and our grandparents.

From the pluralist school, as a maximum exponent I use different types of homeopathic remedies:


    UnitariosComplejosOrganoterapiaMicroinmunoterapiaSales de SchüsslerHomeospagyria


Biological medicine


Based on the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the knowledge of allopathy, it was born as an intermediate path between the two paradigms and out of the concern to find the causes of health problems on their different levels.

Using ancestral diagnostic tools such as observation, experimentation and suggesting that the patient should be prioritized over the pathological condition. Once the aforementioned causes have been located, phytotherapy is used following different criteria:


    General Bases to treat the constituent causes of the conditionsDefined Bases, Izares, Fitoaromas and Precisium, acting more specifically on the physical and emotional health problem in question


Addressing more than 500 paintings and their different holistic expressions.



Essential oils are substances biosynthesized from plants and certain extracts of animal origin.

There are more than 150 types and insoluble in water. The routes of administration are topical (skin), inhalation and oral.

Its fields of application are physical and emotional.

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