Food Test

Food Reaction Test

"Small details = Big health benefits"

Do you have type problems?

    Belly bloatingHeavy digestionConstipation and DiarrheaObesityCellulitis and Varicose VeinsFluid retentionOsteoarthritis and Arthritis
    Acne and PsoriasisAllergiesHyperactivity and VertigoMigrainesDepression and AnxietyTiredness and FatigueFibromyalgia


“The most frequent diseases of our times are closely related to the type of diet that is usually maintained, causing digestive disorders”

Nutritional changes have occurred in record time, so the body has not been able to adapt genetically

We are experiencing a scandalous increase in chronic-degenerative disease processes..., metabolic, cardiovascular, tumor, autoimmune alterations, obesity, allergies of all kinds and EMOTIONAL/psychological DISORDERS


    In recent decades, diet has been modified more quantitatively than qualitatively, in turn increasing caloric consumption (overeating) and sedentary lifestyle.

    Details such as excesses, the largest concerns sugars, due to the many snacks and pastries, snack foods..., thanks to the culture of "easy, fast, tasty and pleasant consumption..."

    The consumption of proteins and fats of animal origin has increased in recent years (meats, fats, dairy products...), and the contribution of foods rich in fiber (including vegetables and fruits) has decreased alarmingly.

"Despite there being greater health control of food, we are increasingly seeing an increase in reactions to it"

What is a food allergy and intolerance?

Food Allergy

A set of adverse reactions due to the ingestion, contact or inhalation of a component/ingredient or even a trace of a food, and all of this is the result of a proven immune response, as if it were a pathogen. In very serious cases it can cause death.

Alimentary intolerance

Inflammatory reaction of the enzymatic metabolism itself that causes inflammation, without severe participation of the immune system and as a result of the ingestion of a food or component thereof, vasoactive pharmacological substances, among others.

Types of food additives

What is an allergic reaction or food intolerance test and what is it for?

It is a test based on Bionergetics and/or concepts of Quantum Physics, it allows us to locate or diagnose those foods or additives that cause digestive alterations such as an allergic or intolerant reaction to them.

The result is a report of 250 foods, additives and preservatives, where tolerance or intolerance to them is specified.

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