How I act

What is a Comprehensive Health Therapist?

It is the evolutionary adaptation of a Holistic-Integrative therapist oriented towards the search for the cause of the condition, who acts based on the patient's health needs at different circumstantial levels.

Definition of Disease

"The term disease comes from the Latin infirmitas, which literally means "lack of firmness." The definition of disease according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is "Alteration and deviation from the physiological state in one or more parts of the body." , due to generally known causes, manifested by characteristic symptoms and signs, and whose evolution is more or less predictable.

Health and illness are an integral part of life, the biological process and environmental and social interactions. Generally, disease is understood as the loss of health, the negative effect of which is a consequence of a structural or functional alteration of an organ at any level."

Source: Wikipedia (

homeopathic point of view

'Illness' is nothing more than the organism's response to seeking the biological balance that has been lost in the face of a disturbing cause.

Depending on innate and/or acquired constitutional traits, each person reacts differently to the same situation.

A bolder vision

It is the physio-pathological expression or dialect that the body uses to express to us through the symptom that we have experienced an unexpected emotional situation carried out alone, thus giving us through it the opportunity to correct it through the aforementioned “health alteration”. . Poisoning and accident would not be included….

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