It is an accelerated method of Psychoanalysis that combines different non-invasive tools to locate in situ the emotional problems that have not been overcome in the trajectory of life, locating them in time, space and company.
Awareness of emotional disorders through a process of verbalization and patient-therapist interaction corrects these situations, releasing the blockages that prevent the improvement of health on its different levels.
Ancient cultures such as traditional Chinese medicine, based on experimentation and observation and not so much on the physiology or functioning of the organs, already stated that health problems should be treated as a whole, prioritizing the person over the disease, and integrating genetic predisposition, diet and the emotional context (external and internal) when addressing a problem, giving the latter great importance.
He said that everything was associated and connected from 5 elements, these had to be in balance, and the same linked to what surrounds us, from organs, seasons, emotions, etc.
"If you understand why everything else is like"
Why do Emotional Freedom Therapy?
How it is performed?
He had had contractures and vertigo for 5 months, he had tried all kinds of treatments and he improved occasionally but he relapsed again. I finally decided to undergo trauma therapy and in less than 24 hours the vertigo and muscle congestion disappeared. Thank you