To understand the causes we must go beyond the basic symptoms of allergies, not discarding the emotional terrain as an embryonic element of the problem, and subsequently know the different systems and their roles in the body, namely:
The immune system is a set of biological structures and processes inside an organism that protects it against diseases by identifying and eliminating pathogenic and cancerous cells..., an excessive response will be one of the first causes, attacking the organism itself.
The digestive and excretory system are a set of organs designed to facilitate the orderly progression of food, digestion, absorption and excretion of the disposable part of food. To achieve this, each part and organ that constitutes it has a specific function. It contains the liver in its dual function (endocrine and exocrine), the first being responsible for an initial allergic response as part of the innate immune system.
Composed of macro and microcirculation, the circulatory system is the anatomical structure responsible for distributing the vital fluid called blood throughout the body (composed of a mixture of nutrients, water and oxygen) through the ducts or diffusion pathways that transport said fluid, as well as the motor that pumps it, the heart and vasomotor movement responsible for delivering nutrients to the cell bed. What would happen if oxygen and nutrients do not arrive and the cellular detoxification function is lost? The body becomes ill in the broadest sense of the word. Do you want to know more?….click the button
Once the allergic terrain and the reactive substance have been located through testing with AHR (Cardiac Atrial Reflex) and/or kinesiology (muscular response test), a touching maneuver is performed on very specific points of the body in order to neutralize the response. in excess of the allergen.
Non-invasive supplements are added to the manipulation to reduce the general condition against allergies.
The result is that in 24 hours there will be no reaction to it, thus improving the quality of life without having to make changes.
My cat hair allergy disappeared in one session! I had acute asthma attacks. It's been more than 12 months since I did the session and I haven't had any more outbreaks. Thank you!